Rules of Membership

  1. Members must provide either club id card or id on there club mate app to a bailiff on request.
  2. Access to waters must only be obtained by the routes indicated.
  3. It is an offence to fish on any water without the appropriate EA rod Licence .EA Licence is required on all waters and rivers. The bailiff will check EA Licences. No more than 2 rods can be used at any one time.
  4. Baited tackle must never be left unattended either in or out of the water or unattended tackle be left in any swim for more than 1 hour in a 24 hour period.
  5.  Every member including match anglers and guests must be in possession of a suitable landing net, with a minimum size of 20” from the spreader bar to the front of the net with  4ft handle and must be assembled before starting to fish. Except when members might reasonably expect to catch fish in excess of 10lb they must use a landing net which has a minimum 36″ length arms or 32″ diameter for circular nets. It is expected that all members carry an appropriate size net for landing larger fish.NO sharing of nets permitted.
  6. No keepnets allowed on any waters unless on official club match.
  7. Gaffs are banned and the taking of fish by unfair means is strictly forbidden
  8. Night fishing is permitted on some waters. These are specified in the schedule of waters.
  9. Members must be considerate to other members when using torch/ head torch.
  10. All fish must be returned alive to the water with no exceptions.
  11. Members  must vacate the venue by 6 am on the day of a match and 3 pm for an evening match. All match fixtures can be found on the club website or your pdf download book.
  12. Specimen fish and catches should be reported to the fisheries manager within 7 days of capture, together with the name and address of a witness who must be a club member or a temporary member of the club, except in exceptional circumstances.
  13. Reports to the news or social media, including national and local newspaper, radio or television on matters concerning the club must be approved by club secretary.Pictures of fish caught can be psoted on socail media and reported to the press.
  14. The transfer of fish from one water to another is a criminal offence unless authorised by the appropriate authority
  15.  Members are responsible for removing all litter in the vicinity of their swims TAKE ALL LITTER HOME including surplus bait. unless advised by fisheries team or match organiser.No pre bailting allowed on any waters owned or leased.
  16. Be respectful and considerate to other members when watching or listening to content on mobile/radios. Any behaviour liable to cause offence to other members or bring the club into disrepute is not permitted. Abusive behavior towards bailiffs is not tolerated.
  17. NO dogs other than that belonging to a bailiff is permitted (must be kept on a leash at all times) on any club waters owned or leased. Blind person’s guide dog is not included in this ban.
  18. Motorised vehicles are to be parked in the appropriate area shown on schedule of waters,no driving of any vehicle to swims is permitted unless written permission is granted by committee.
  19.  All items of tackle and personal belongings found on club waters to be handed in to an official of the club. Items lost should be reported to the Head Bailiff.
  20.  Competitors take precedence over other anglers. All anglers, competitors must report to the steward before starting to fish.
  21. Guest tickets are available for guests fishing with members,the member being responsible for informing the guest member of the club rules and seeing he or she is properly equipped. Guest tickets are available online with club mate. Duration for guest tickets are dawn to dusk only (no nights) When fishing other waters members must be conversant with the relative rules applicable to these waters.
  22. There must be no intererence with wildlife,trees,shrubs,fences or livestock on any venues.
  23. Live baiting is prohibited on all club waters. Dead sea-fish only are permitted baits.
  24. NO Glass is permitted on any club waters owned or leased.
  25. When using dead baits or lures the wire trace must be a minimum of 18” must be used. Barbless hooks only to be used on trebles when pike fishing.
  26. All fish should be returned to the water as soon as possible. If necassary fish can be kept in a landing net for maximum of 10 minutes to allow them to recover.
  27. Specimen winners will receive a fishing voucher details on page 62
  28. Fishing tackle must include a suitable disgorger for the species expected to be caught, unhooking mat must be used
  29. NO Member under the age of 18 years can night fish unless accompanied and supervised by a parent/or legal gaurdian who is also a club member and must be in the same swim or adjacent swim. Limited to a maximum of two juveniles/juniors per adult member and only 4 rods between them.
  30. Members must be responsible for there own welfare during all fishing sessions .All members with special requirements must make adequate arrangements to ensure there own safety is maintained.
  31. Members must keep all pathways clear of any obstruction at all times .
  32. EADAC follow the fishing rules as laid down by EA Licence subject to riparian owner’s permission, S.S.S.I restraint and guidelines of the RELIVENT AUTHORITY with the committee having the right to close waters when required.
  33. No fish must be contact with the ground, All anglers must have and use a suitable unhooking mat of minimum size 18″ x 30″ with padding of foam/beanie material.
  34. All particle baits must be correctly prepared i.e. peanuts, tiger nuts etc.
  35. Matters not provided for: should anything arise which is not provided for in these rules, the same shall immediately be notified to the general committee who shall have full power to act in the matter.
  36. All waters can be closed for maintenance at the discretion of the committee.
  37. The use of bait boats and drones is prohibited on all EADAC waters owned or leased.
  38. Any fish over 8oz must be landed using a landing net, the only exception being when pike fishing and only experienced pike anglers may “hand or glove” this species but they must also be in possession of a landing net suitable for larger species when fishing.
  39. When pike fishing tackle must include a pair of forceps minimum of 12” long and a pair of side cutters capable of cutting hooks. Pike gags are banned.
  40. The consumption of any alcohol and or use of any illegal substances on land owned or leased by Eastleigh and District Angling club is banned. Any member found to be using un prescribed drugs or being intoxicated will be banned from the club. Offensive weapens or items that can harm others are not permitted.NO FIRES OR BBQS OR COBB OVENS may be lit on any club waters owned or leased.
  41. No members may stay on any venue for more than 72 hours. 3 nights on and no return within 4 days. This applies to all club waters owned or leased.
  42. Membership is none transferable.
  43. No hammering in of bank sticks. A rubber mallet only may be used to put bivvie pegs in,but please be considerate to other members. All pods and banks sticks must be inside the swim and not on the outside edges.
  44. No riding of cycles around club waters (owned or leased)
  45. All children must be with the member at all times in the same swim. Children must not be left unattended at any time
  46. Pike fishing closed season from 31st March – 1st October on all waters.
  47. Bivvies only /No tents permitted on club waters owned or leased.